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How to Boost Close Rates on Warm Leads

 Are you a business owner, VP, or director seeking solutions for your sales team’s low closing rates on warm leads, especially those from existing accounts? If this resonates with you, it might be time for a strategic shift. We’re sharing insights from renowned sales expert Michael Pedone, who offers practical suggestions on turning around […]

How to Avoid Being Shopped

I Want to Shop Around “I have great conversations with my prospects only to discover I’m being shopped. We aren’t the cheapest solution, so how do I avoid losing these deals?” The surest way to stop prospects from shopping around is to close them on the first call; however, that isn’t always an option for […]

Closing the Sale: How to Move Deals Forward

Closing the Sale How to Move Deals Forward & Close the Sale Full-cycle and Account Executive sales roles have one thing in common: They need to move deals forward and close the sale. A recent poll on LinkedIn showed 71% said “moving the deal through the pipeline and closing the sale” is their biggest challenge. […]

How to Close Repeat Business from Inbound Sales Inquiries

“I received an email request from a current client wanting pricing on an upgrade. I sent it over to them but never got the order back. I’ve called and left several messages and emails, but they’ve gone ghost on me. What can I do? I wanted to get that order before the end of the […]

How to Avoid Having Your Deals Sabotaged by Non-decision Makers

“My contact (who is the decision-maker) said they decided to hold off for now – but the conversation before that was all positive… What happened?” Several things could have gone wrong; however, for today’s newsletter, I’d like to share with you one scenario that could be derailing your sales without you knowing it. It’s An […]

Negotiation Skills Training: The “Better Price” Ask

How should you respond to the scenario presented below? “My manager said a 10% discount is not enough. He says compared to other options, a more acceptable discount would be 20%. Can you match this discount?” Negotiation Skills Training: The “Better Price” Ask Negotiation is the fun part of selling. It usually means you’re approaching […]

Dealing with Stuck Deals

“What can I do to push the sale through the final stage? I feel like some of my deals are in limbo.” First, let’s start with letting you know that having some deals you are working on seem to be in “limbo” is expected. If you’re a successful sales professional, you will have a mixture […]

Losing Deals to Cheaper Competitors?

3-Steps to Win RFP’s When Competing with a Low-Cost Provider “How do you win RFP’s while competing Vs. a low-cost provider?” Step 1) Uncover what problems they are wanting to solve (and why they want them solved) and make sure what you offer is a good fit. Your job as a salesperson isn’t to “close” […]

The “Can You Send Me Some References?” Request

“I’m often asked for references from prospects. I have great clients that rave about us and have given us permission to use them as a reference. However, I’m noticing that I’m not closing many of the deals that asked for references. What gives?” I’m glad you’re asking this because the common conclusion a lot of […]

How to Create a Sense of Urgency

“How Do You Create Urgency to Get Prospects Off the Fence and Get Them to Buy Now?” Sales people often try to create a sense of urgency at the end of the sales process. This causes a lot of stress and anxiety (mostly for the sales person) as they try to hit their end of […]