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Sales Methods that Boost Revenue and Eliminate Cold Calling Fear

Sales Methods that Boost Revenue and Eliminate Cold Calling Fear Sales methods guide sales professionals through every stage of the buyer’s journey, from the initial cold call to closing the deal. The Importance of Effective Sales Methods Sales methods are the structured approaches that sales professionals use to connect with prospects, understand their needs, and […]

Why Your Sales Numbers Are Down

“91% of sales teams missed their sales quotas in the previous year.” Last week, we discussed the difference between cold calling and warm calling. Today, I’d like to discuss sales quotas. Today’s outbound sales reps have the most tools at their fingertips, yet 91% of sales teams missed their sales quotas in the previous year […]

Free Online Sales Training Course

Try Our Free Online Sales Training Course Now! And Start Selling with Confidence Today! Are you ready to sell with confidence and close more deals than ever before? At, we know that mastering sales techniques is key to your success. That’s why we’re offering you an exclusive opportunity to try our online sales training […]

The Path to Sales Confidence and Success

Overcoming Call Reluctance: The Path to Sales Confidence and Success Following up on our recent discussion about the challenges sales teams face, I wanted to dive deeper into the issue of call reluctance and provide actionable steps to overcome it. Understanding Call Reluctance As highlighted in a recent LinkedIn poll, 74% of respondents indicated their […]

How to Sell Over the Phone

How to Sell Over the Phone: Mastering Techniques from Michael Pedone and Selling over the phone can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, it can become one of the most effective ways to close deals and grow your business. Michael Pedone, the founder of, is a leading expert in this […]

Ultimate Guide to Phone Sales Training: Tips, Techniques, and Strategies

Ultimate Guide to Phone Sales Training: Tips, Techniques, and Strategies In the competitive sales world, mastering the art of phone sales can be a game-changer. Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or just starting out, effective phone sales training is crucial for success. In this guide, we’ll explore proven tips, techniques, and strategies to help […]

How to Train Your Remote Sales Team

 Supercharge Your Sales Team Now! The race to generate new business is more intense than ever! A staggering 74% of companies report that their sales teams aren’t making enough calls to achieve their revenue targets. The culprit? Fear of rejection stands tall as the #1 reason holding back sales reps from dialing more prospects. […]

Ghosted Sales Opportunity

Ghosted Sales Opportunity The anatomy of a successful follow-up email for a ghosted sales opportunity: There are several sales techniques one should use on the previous call to ensure a follow-up call happens. Even when best practices are used, there will be times when an opportunity goes stale because the prospect doesn’t respond as agreed […]

The Fast-Forward Sales Technique

How to Avoid Budget and Authority Surprises The Fast-Forward Sales Technique In the unpredictable world of sales, there’s nothing more frustrating than thinking you’ve got a solid deal in the bag, only to have the prospect backtrack the next day. It’s a common scenario – a prospect assures you they have the budget and authority […]